A multi-language, pluggable, high-performance RPC framework.

Design Principles
Works across languages
Implements cross-language service communication based on Protocol Buffers.
Support multi-protocols
Supports multiple protocols and interoperates with different frameworks (such as gRPC).
Streaming RPC
Supports streaming RPC, which is better suited for various application scenarios such as large file upload/download, message push, AI speech recognition/video understanding, etc.
Rich plugin ecosystem
Provides a large number of plugins that docking to microservice components (such as Consul/Promethues/OpenTelemetry, etc.) to facilitate users to build their own service governance system.
Based on the pluggable design of the framework, users can develop secondary to expand the framework capabilities, such as: parameter validation, authentication, log replay, etc.
Flow & Overload controller
Provides flow control and overload protection plugins in a variety of application scenarios to prevent services from being overloaded and unavailable due to burst traffic.